Source code for gpuparallel.gpuparallel

import logging
from functools import partial
from multiprocessing import Pool, Manager, Queue, active_children
from typing import List, Iterable, Optional, Callable, Union, Generator

from gpuparallel.utils import log, import_tqdm

def _init_worker(gpu_queue: Queue, init_fn: Optional[Callable] = None):
    global worker_id, device_id

    worker_id, device_id = gpu_queue.get()
    if init_fn is not None:
        init_fn(worker_id=worker_id, device_id=device_id)

    if len(log.handlers) > 0:
        fmt = logging.Formatter(f"[%(levelname)s/Worker-{worker_id}({device_id})]:%(message)s")

    log.debug(f"Worker #{worker_id} with GPU{device_id} initialized.")

def _run_task(func: Callable, task_idx, result_queue: Queue, ignore_errors=True):
    global worker_id, device_id

        result = func(worker_id=worker_id, device_id=device_id)
        result_queue.put((task_idx, result))
    except Exception as e:
        log.error(f"Error during task #{task_idx}", exc_info=True)
        if ignore_errors:
            log.warning(f"Exception will be ignored according to ignore_errors flag")
            result_queue.put((task_idx, None))  # __call__ expects to get number of results equal to number of tasks
            raise e

[docs]class GPUParallel:
[docs] def __init__( self, device_ids: Optional[List[str]] = None, n_gpu: Optional[Union[int, str]] = None, n_workers_per_gpu=1, init_fn: Optional[Callable] = None, preserve_order=True, progressbar=True, pbar_description=None, ignore_errors=False, debug=False, ): """ Parallel execution of functions passed to ``__call__``. :param device_ids: List of gpu ids to use, e.g. ``['cuda:3', 'cuda:4']``. The library doesn't check if GPUs really available, it simply provides consistent ``worker_id`` and ``device_id`` to both ``init_fn`` and task functions. :param n_gpu: Number of GPUs to use, shortcut for ``device_ids=[f'cuda:{i}' for i in range(n_gpu)]``. Both parameters ``n_gpu`` and ``device_ids`` can't be filled. If neither of them filled, single ``cuda:0`` will be chosen. :param n_workers_per_gpu: Number of workers on every GPU. :param init_fn: Function which will be called during worker init. Function must have parameters ``worker_id`` and ``device_id`` (or ``**kwargs``). Helpful to init all common stuff (e.g. neural networks) here. :param preserve_order: Return values with the same order as input. :param progressbar: Allow to use tqdm progressbar. :param ignore_errors: Either ignore errors inside tasks or raise them. :param debug: When this parameter is True, parameters n_gpu and device_ids are ignored. Class creates only one worker ([device_id='cuda:0']) and run it in the same process (for better debugging). """ assert not (n_gpu is not None and device_ids is not None), "Both 'n_gpu' and 'device_ids' cannot de filled" self.n_workers_per_gpu = n_workers_per_gpu self.preserve_order = preserve_order self.progressbar = progressbar self.pbar_description = pbar_description self.ignore_errors = ignore_errors self.debug_mode = debug if device_ids is not None: assert len(device_ids) > 0, "len(device_ids) must be > 0" self.n_gpu = len(device_ids) self.device_ids = device_ids else: n_gpu = n_gpu if n_gpu is not None else 1 assert n_gpu > 0, "n_gpu must be > 0" self.n_gpu = n_gpu self.device_ids = [f"cuda:{idx}" for idx in range(n_gpu)] if not self.debug_mode: self._manager = Manager() self.gpu_queue = self._manager.Queue() for device_idx in range(self.n_gpu): for idx in range(self.n_workers_per_gpu): worker_id = device_idx * self.n_workers_per_gpu + idx self.gpu_queue.put((worker_id, self.device_ids[device_idx])) initializer = partial(_init_worker, gpu_queue=self.gpu_queue, init_fn=init_fn) self.pool = Pool( processes=self.n_gpu * self.n_workers_per_gpu, initializer=initializer, maxtasksperchild=None ) self.result_queue = self._manager.Queue() else: # debug mode; run init in the same process log.warning("Debug mode. All tasks will be run in main process for debug purposes.") if init_fn is not None: init_fn(worker_id=0, device_id=self.device_ids[0])
[docs] def __del__(self): """ Created pool will be freed only during this destructor. This allows to use ``__call__`` multiple times with the same initialized workers. """ if not self.debug_mode: try: self._manager.shutdown() self.pool.close() self.pool.join() except Exception as e: log.warning("Can't close and join process pool.", exc_info=True) children = active_children() if children: log.warning(f"{len(children)} child processes are still alive after closing the pool.")
def _call_sync(self, tasks: Iterable) -> List: log.warning(f"Debug mode is turned on. All tasks will be run in the main process.") tasks = list(tasks) if self.progressbar: from import tqdm tasks = tqdm(tasks) for task in tasks: yield task(worker_id=0, device_id=self.device_ids[0]) def _call_async(self, tasks: Iterable) -> Generator: # Submit all tasks to pool n_tasks = 0 for task_idx, task in enumerate(tasks): self.pool.apply_async(_run_task, (task, task_idx, self.result_queue, self.ignore_errors)) n_tasks += 1 log.debug(f"Submitted {n_tasks} tasks") # Wait for all tasks to be performed tqdm = import_tqdm(self.progressbar) if self.preserve_order: with tqdm(total=n_tasks, desc=self.pbar_description) as pbar: result_cache = {} for return_task_idx in range(n_tasks): while return_task_idx not in result_cache: log.debug(f"{return_task_idx} not in cached {list(result_cache.keys())}...") task_idx, result = self.result_queue.get() result_cache[task_idx] = result pbar.update(1) log.debug(f"Found {return_task_idx} in cache!") yield result_cache[return_task_idx] del result_cache[return_task_idx] else: with tqdm(total=n_tasks, desc=self.pbar_description) as pbar: for return_task_idx in range(n_tasks): task_idx, result = self.result_queue.get() yield result pbar.update(1) log.debug("All results are received!")
[docs] def __call__(self, tasks: Iterable[Callable]) -> Generator: """ Function which submits tasks for pool and collects the results of computations. :param tasks: List or generator with callable functions to be executed. Functions must have parameters ``worker_id`` and ``device_id`` (or ``**kwargs``). :return: List of results or generator """ return self._call_async(tasks) if not self.debug_mode else self._call_sync(tasks)